Monday, December 28, 2009

Decibully @ the Bayview Brew Haus

Friday, December 18th was a rare moment in time. Like when there is a solar eclipse, or if the planets all line up for a brief moment...So what WAS this rare moment? Bryan and I got to see a concert TOGETHER for the first time in roughly 9 years. Not just any band...Decibully, one of the best bands around headlined a show at the smokey Bayview Brew Haus. Fable And The World Flat and Invade Rome joined them that night to celebrate Decibully's record release of World Travels Flat. As Invader Room played, my brother, my wife and I shared a "Java Beer" which was 1/2 coffee and half beer. It was dark, strong and pretty good. We almost looked out of place with the rest of the crowd drinking PBR and Shlitz. Fable and the World Flat opened. They weren't too bad. Had some catchy grooves here and there. I chatted with Aaron Vold of Decibully for a bit during their set. I stupidly forgot to introduce him to 82. Oh well. Invade Rome played second. They were quite forgettable, but covered Decibully's "Rid of Me At Last" which wasn't too bad. Vocals could have been better, but the overall sound was good. Decibully went on around Midnight. They opened with "World Travels Fast" off their latest album with the same name. William sounded perfect singing acapella at the beginning of the song. His voice is very soulful which makes this unique band that better. Other sounds they played off the latest album were "Live By The Lake", "Don't Believe The Hype", "If I Don't Work", "Little White Girl" and a few others. "Broken Glass" sounded amazing live. I can't even describe how the opening song from WTF blew me away. They played their single off the record as well "Somewhere in the World". They played a few classic D-Bully songs as well including "Penny Look Down", "Sing Out Sing Out Sing Out" and "Meg and Magill". My wife started to get kinda nauseous while we stood in the crowd since it was basically like standing in a completely filled ash tray. We headed out after "Meg and Magill" (which was around 1:15am). The fresh air was a wonderful welcome to the quiet streets of Bayview. As far as the new ablum is concerned, I've listened to it way too much lately. But unlike other artists, you have to turn this up loud so you can hear all of the well-detailed layers. Like a painting, Decibully is well enjoyed by listening, relaxing and taking it all in. When you see Decibully live, it's like watching art come to life. All of the notes, rhythms and vocals are the brush strokes. If you haven't seen them live, you probably should go to their myspace and check the tour dates.

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