The next group of sad saps is none other then Manchester's Oasis. They gained severe popularity in the mid 90's with their lousy singles "Wonderwall" and Champagne Supernova". A lot of bands like The Killers and the Arctic Monkeys are influenced by Oasis as well.
I could never get into these guys. Mainly because Oasis overly rip off of the Beatles. I'm not a fan of them either, but I hate to see blatant copy-catting from some of the most arrogant musicians around. The last time my wife and I were driving I think "Champagne Supernova" was on the radio. I explained that the vocalist (Liam Gallager) has an obvious similarity to the late John Lennon. She didn't think it was a complete rip-off of Lennon. It's not just the vocals either. Liam looks pretty damn close to John as well. How adorable.
The music is so boring, that you could probably use any single for elevator music. It's THAT bland. That's all for now.
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