Last night, I was writing up an article for my short interview via Myspace with William of Decibully, whom are one of my favorite bands from Milwaukee. Lately I have been writing for Armchairs and Earphones, a DIY online magazine from West Bend, and they asked me to check out Decibully to see what they are up to. As I wrote up the article last night, I started thinking about the time I interviewed Decibully's Ryan Weber (multi-instrument extrordinare) and Aaron Vold (drummer) at Carroll College on WCCX. WCCX is a small radio station where Carroll College students could play music, talk about sports or whatever was on their mind for a few hours. I had already reviewed Sing Out America! for the New Perspective, which Carroll's newspaper, so why not see if I can get them at the radio station?
I started out the show playing a few songs such as Green Day, some new ads etc, then Ryan calls into the station "Hey we're here, look for the guy wearing a backwards blue trucker hat".
Okay. So I walked upstairs and waited. From the darkness of the parking lot emerged two gentlemen. One wearing a blue backwards trucker hat. Aaron greeted me, and introduced me to Aaron, the drummer. Both seemed stoked to be here and we walked back downstairs. Thankfully, Jill had some good expierence playing songs and CD's on the radio, which allowed me to look for the guys.
I played most of the songs from Sing Out America! and we had a lot of fun. They brought a lot of energy to the small closet-like room, which made the interview very fun. In fact, during a good portion of the songs I was playing, off-air they were cracking myself, Cheryl and Jill up. One moment which I couldnt stop laughing, is when I asked if they would like to read a PSA (public service announcment) on the air. One of the requirments to do a radio show, is to read or play 2 PSA's an hour. Dan Didier from Maritime read one the year before, so I asked if they would. Aaron and Ryan were glad to do it. In fact, Aaron wanted to read it in the form of a Beasie Boys rap. I couldn't stop laughing. My sister recorded them doing it, like a small clip from it. They heavily promoted their upcoming show too. I remember Aaron saying "Ryan, is our show at Mad Planet THIS weekend? I wasn't aware of it!?"
Before they left, they signed my SOA! CD, and hung around for pictures. I swear it was like a poporazzi moment. My sis and Jill just snapped a TON of pics, and Aaron and Ryan were posing like actors on the red carpet. Before they headed out for the evening, Ryan informed me I was on the guest list for the Mad Planet show. I was very stoked for that.
Today, Aaron sent me a message a day late and a dollar short about an interview. Like William, he also wanted to do an interview for Armchairs and Earphones but, in person. The article is due tomarrow, so there is NO time to meet up with them unfortunatly. Perhaps another time.
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