Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another one bites the dust

Clean Hands is on an indefinite hiatus. Expected? Maybe. Sucks? A lot. It started with a meeting that was supposed to go on, but due to some heavy snow we cancelled. We sent out our goals for 2011 for ourselves AND the band. Nick and Jason had some differences that resulted in a major fight, some harsh words said and finally, Jason left. He was an awesome bassist, but the negativity got the best of him. Nick and I, however will move on. We've dealt with this nonsense before. It just sucks because we had potential, which was quickly halted. The good news, is that a 2nd guitarist is very interested in us, even if we're taking a little break. I'm going to learn the ropes of being a father, and Nick is going to keep working on music.
We'll meet again sometime, and I can't wait.

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